King Doc

September 2023


NoBull Sires: Offering Credible Bulls from Time-Tested Genetics

The idea of NoBull Sires started four years ago. Tired of not being able to find sires from the time-tested dams they wanted, Ben Masemore, Ethan Wentworth and Rusty Herr...

July 2023

Sires Report

Siemers Parfect: New Nr.3 on the Proven Sire Chart

Parfect has successfully made the jump to proven sire status. After a young sire career when he was never far from the limelight due to his very complete, no-holes proof,...

February 2023

Cow Families

The next chapter of the Roxy story Gloryland-I Goldwyn Locket

Glenridge Citation Roxy was born almost 55 years ago on April 15th, 1968. Her influence on the breed has been gigantic, to the point that she has been respectfully recognized...

January 2022

Sires Report

BullTalk - January 2022

‘During the past few years I have witnessed the Holstein breed becoming whiter. It is increasingly difficult to find a good bull that is 75% or more black. I manage...

August 2021

Sires Report

Woodcrest King Doc Influence: Extreme PTATs and Competitive TPIs

Woodcrest King Doc, thanks to his combination of an exceptional gPTAT and good gTPI, was initially considered a “crossover” bull. Since his daughters came into production, and his TPI rose...

October 2020

Sires Report

Woodcrest King Doc: Rare Combination of Superior Type and Solid Production

The ability of Morningview Kingboy to transmit a mixture of solid production with elite type has resulted in a powerful legacy. Daughter-proven sons such as Woodcrest King Doc and Plain...

June 2020

Sires Report

BullTalk - June 2020

Now he has a progeny proven index! Indeed, no less than 609 milking daughters were included in one and the same release in the index of Stantons Chief – the...

November 2018

Sires Report

BullTalk - November 2018

He is one of the top-5 highest gTPI Red Holstein bulls and is widely available: Rhala-Re Blues-Red. Good for 2664 gTPI, owned by AI Total, a son of Salvatore (see...