July 2024

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DP - Juny 2024

‘Holocron was already popular as a young DNA bull and remains popular, also after his first daughter proof. Farmers are happy with the Holocron daughters.’ Speaking is Francesco Veronese from...

July 2024


AI’s Recommend Their Own Favourites These Bulls Should Be Used More Often:

For decades already, sire selection primarily takes place via indexes. The number of bulls that are selected based on word of mouth reports, evaluating daughters, or in other ways, is...

July 2024

Herd reports

Herds worldwide - July 2024

The Fazenda Analândia enterprise owned by the De Boer family – situated in the Dutch colony of Castrolanda (Castro Parana) in southern Brazil – has 500 Holstein cows and just...

July 2024

Cow Families

Prudence Family: Source of Late-Maturing Holsteins with Index Power

Sherman Herrington, a passionate breeder in the American state of New York, laid the foundation. He set out to develop Holsteins that would reach their peak at ten years of...

July 2024

Herd reports

Hallow Holsteins: Home of Ireland’s Famous Twizzle Cow Family

The Irish County of Wexford is the ancestral home of former US President John Kennedy, and a park carrying his name has been developed as a memorial. County Wexford is...

Monthly magazine for modern Holstein dairymen.