‘Our EX cows are our most valuable cows, and the cows from whom we want offspring.’ These words spoken by Patrick Maddox describe exactly the breeding strategy followed by him...
Vous êtes-vous un jour demandés comment se situe le programme de sélection de votre ferme face aux meilleurs dans le monde entier? Voici une occasion de le découvrir. Holstein International...
Herd reports
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Herd reports
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
Sires Report
On the 21st of May, Clydevale Holsteins at Macorna North, in northern Victoria, will hold their Golden Anniversary Sale to celebrate 50 years of breeding Holsteins. Their cow Clydevale Doc...
Castelverde Goldsun Laura EX-96 is more than just a cow – she is a phenomenon. With her unique combination of conformation, production and breeding potential, she belongs among the outstanding...
Undoubtedly all those who attended the French “Centenary” – the splendid centennial show of the French herdbook organization – will be able to vividly recall: the thrilling victory march of...