July 2024

Herd reports

Herds worldwide - July 2024

The Fazenda Analândia enterprise owned by the De Boer family – situated in the Dutch colony of Castrolanda (Castro Parana) in southern Brazil – has 500 Holstein cows and just...

July 2024

Sires Report

Focus on... July 2024

Those who select for the combination milk, udder, and longevity, cannot bypass America’s nr.1 bull Darth Vader, given +2458 lb milk, 258 lb fat+protein, 1.70 udder and 6.2 longevity. The...

July 2024

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DP - Juny 2024

‘Holocron was already popular as a young DNA bull and remains popular, also after his first daughter proof. Farmers are happy with the Holocron daughters.’ Speaking is Francesco Veronese from...

July 2024

Sires Report

KAX Gladius: People Know What They’re Getting

‘The popularity of Gladius is tremendous and still continues to increase. This trend has to do with his very good daughters. Many farmers want to milk more of his daughters...

June 2024

Sires Report

Focus on... June 2024

‘Money-P was already very popular as a DNA sire. At the beginning of his career, he was the highest bull for both gRZG and gRZ€. Also outside of the RUW...

June 2024

Misc Breeds

Synetics: Normande, Brown Swiss & Fleckvieh “in the picture”

‘Working internationally, Synetics comes into contact with strongly differing circumstances, and can offer breeds that are well-adapted,’ says Mariëlle Breheret, who indicates that Normande and Brown Swiss are good alternatives...

June 2024

Misc Breeds

BSG: Wundawerk

In the middle of this month, Besamungsstation Greifenberg (BSG) will open a brand new production and collection barn. The German AI has 40 Fleckvieh bulls and 30 Brown Swiss sires...

June 2024

Misc Breeds

KI Kampen: ‘The Demand for Problem-free Cows Continues to Increase.’

Besides a varied lineup of Holstein and Red Holstein sires, KI Kampen is also focused on the originally Dutch breeds MRIJ (red & white) and FH (black & white). ‘Our...

June 2024

Herd reports

Claynook Farms: Modern Holstein Enterprise with 35% of Income from Breeding

With Claynook Zeebah Letchworth in the Nr.1 position for young females and Ranger son Claynook Zard-RC in second place on the sire list, Claynook Farms in Ontario is drawing a...

May 2024

Sires Report

Focus on... May 2024

Elsewhere in this issue, you find HI’s selection of daughter proven and DNA tested Holsteins and Red Holsteins. This page features three sires that are interesting for both categories: high-indexing...

May 2024

Herd reports

Zial Holsteins: ‘Beautiful Cows Need to be Able to Perform Well for a Long Time.’

The farm owned by the Zilocchi family (father Corrado, besides being a cattle breeder, is also the head classifier at ANAFIBJ) in Pegognaga, not far from the powerful Po River...

March 2024


HI’s Anniversary Edition: Readers World-wide with their First Edition of Holstein International

“Please send us a picture of the first edition of Holstein International that you still have in your possession.” To this request posted by HI last year on social media,...