BullTalk - July 2024

Jan Bierma, Han Hopman & Christine Massfeller


Jacuzzi-Red: powerful red and black & white offspring.

Seven years ago he was born with a decidedly remarkable pedigree: a son of Livington, who himself was a son of Stellando son Malcolm. Also not widely known was his maternal grandsire Delta Incentive, a son of Fender son Camion. But: despite the inconspicuous pedigree, Delta Jacuzzi-Red was able to develop into a globally recognized name in Red Holstein breeding. Unfortunately he is no longer alive (his semen is also now entirely sold out), but he is still boldly situated in the progeny proven Red Holstein top-10 of the Netherlands with 231 NVI, based on 4,122 daughters. Remarkable: that list is led by his son Poppe Kayne! At the same time, Jacuzzi’s impact extends to the black & white list, where his sons Delta Endless-RC and Eloy-RC are high. Looking at the Dutch red & white DNA list, then we find, among others, grandson Rammstein-Red in the top ranks, while great-grandson Cream-P-Red leads the list! Marcel Fox from owner CRV explains: ‘As a DNA sire, Jacuzzi was already a true outlier. His daughters have more than confirmed these qualities. The late-maturing Jacuzzi daughters get better every year, which is why his indexes rose as his daughters got older.’ As popular Jacuzzi sons, Fox cites Endless, Eloy, Altitude and Nominator, while Delta Firestone, Sparkle, Sunburst and Appetizer are popular grandsons.


A lesser known photograph of Wisconsin Admiral Burke Lad, born in 1934.

So appreciated was this sire in his time that they were absolutely not concerned about linebreeding (inbreeding?). We are referring to Wisconsin Admiral Burke Lad (WABL), born in August 1934 in the American state of Wisconsin. The nicest example of WABL linebreeding is Weber Cyclone; a son of WABL out of a daughter of WABL. Did that turn out poorly? No, certainly not: Cyclone appears no less than 4x in the pedigree of the world’s most influential sire, Elevation. The only one that appears more often in Elevation’s pedigree is… WABL himself, who appears no less than 11x. Although born in Wisconsin, WABL’s talent was discovered in the state of Utah, where he was sold as a young sire. In 1941, outstanding reports about the young WABL daughters in Utah also reached his birth state of Wisconsin, where Pabst Farms was looking for a new bull (AI was not yet possible at the time). That is how WABL came back to Wisconsin, where he subsequently became famous. But: only already thanks to his Utah daughters, WABL was recognized as a “Gold Medal Sire”, in combination with the highest production index of the entire breed. No wonder so many were crazy about WABL genes!


Among the high gTPI sires at the Spanish AI company Ascol is Regan-Danhof Payment, a son of America’s top-4 TPI bull S-S-I Eisaku Payload. At the time, why did Ascol use the now successful Payload as a sire of sons? ‘He was a bull with a different pedigree and lots of milk,’ answers Juan Carlos Conde Garcia from Ascol. This varied pedigree is considered by Garcia to also be one of Payment’s attractions: ‘With his pedigree Payload-Riveting-Guarantee, Payment is easy to use. In addition, he transmits lots of milk (+1978 lb), good components (+.02%F +.02%P), low somatic cell (2.76), high longevity (+4.1 PL) and balanced conformation (+1.76 gPTAT).’ Remarkable: Payment’s linear profile points primarily to the right, as only for teat length does he score -0.68. Payment is housed at Hawkeye Breeders, and his VG-85 Frazzled Riveting dam traces via a VG-86 Guarantee back to Regan-Danhof Jedi Cashmere VG-88: ‘One of the best Jedi daughters that I know,’ comments Garcia. Cashmere traces via a Jacey and an Epic back to the famous Larcrest Crimson. Garcia is clear: ‘With 2906 gTPI, nearly +2000 lb milk with positive components, >1.5 conformation and udder score, and +4.1 PL, Payment deserves the attention of dairy farmers.’


This is Star son Strong-P, currently the most used bull at the AI company Rinderzucht Schleswig-Holstein in northern Germany.

Elsewhere in this HI issue you read about the impressive Prudence family. One of the powerful, current representatives of this family is the young German bull HM Strong-P, currently the most used sire in the region of AI organization RSH. ‘Udder score, robot suitability, overall fitness, and especially mastitis resistance and mortellaro resistance are important factors in the popularity of Strong-P,’ comments Ingo Schnoor from owner RSH/Phönix. To that we can add his polled factor and a strong conformation score of 130 gRZE. Strong is a son of Star-P-RC (<Solitair) out of a daughter of Canadian Progenesis Prosperous (Magnus-Supershot). ‘Strong’s dam Priska GP-82 is now in her 2nd lactation at her breeder in the Netherlands, is doing very well, and will soon be classified again,’ reports Schnoor. Strong also has a nice aAa code of 153. ‘In addition, he has a high index for body condition score, and scores positive for persistence and feed efficiency,’ adds Schnoor. Logically, he is a popular bull, who is also a sire of sons at various German AI organizations.


To the question of which of their sires deserves more attention, Roger Turner from Jetstream Genetics indicates Peak Moline. ‘He received his first progeny proven index in April, so it takes some time to create a market for this new bull. But his daughters are extremely consistent, dairy farmers are very satisfied about him, and I expect that interest will increase in the coming weeks/months.’ Moline is a son of the successful sire of sons Progenesis Positive (also the sire of the high bulls Deluxe and Highjump) out of Medley daughter Pine-Tree Mandolin, who via various generations descends from the Mirror family. Moline has 646 milking daughters and Turner reports: ‘Moline daughters have average stature with balance and width. I really appreciate the wide front end, wide rumps, and wide rear udders. It is easy to see where the production comes from, if you look at their strength and width. If farmers want production, udder quality and width, then Moline is the bull for them.’ Moline is available both as sexed and conventional.


Among Renegade’s absolutely elite sons are Taos and Parfect. The bull Duckett Esquire Hunter offers the qualities of both. Hunter is a son of Taos son Esquire (DNA-tested) from the popular Parfect daughter Duckett Hallie VG-87, herself a daughter of the popular Doc Have Not 8784 EX-96. No wonder there is a lot of interest in the young Hunter. ‘What is extra nice is his exceptional production (+2179 lb), notably good udder health, positive daughter fertility, nearly two points conformation, A2A2/BB and: his complete linear on the right side,’ says Jan de Vries from owner AI Total. Hunter is housed in Canada and although he is a good producer, he is not entirely able to keep up with orders right now. De Vries continues: ‘We are not using Hunter as a sire of sons, but he is a bull that can truly provide a boost to breeding. Low somatic cell count bulls with good production and good conformation are able to be an asset in the pedigree for many years.’ Hunter is certainly no coincidence; his dam Hallie has already provided high sons at various AIs.


“Invest in Silver”. This was the striking slogan on a large ABS advertisement in HI’s December 2014 issue. Seagull-Bay Silver, the young bull being featured in the advertisement was just a year and a half old at the time. Nevertheless, the investment advice of owner ABS was correct. Silver turned out to be worth gold. All over the world, dairy farmers are satisfied with their Silvers, who developed into outstanding production cows. And while he already performed splendidly as a sire of sons (here we mention his sons Helix, Griff, Sound System, Semino, Sinus, Sillian and Argo-RC – the sire of Rubels-Red), via his daughters he most likely played an even larger role. The Silver daughter with the highest cow index (CTPI) is the Italian Dotti Silver Atolla EX-90, the dam of two popular AI bulls: Dotti Medley Orthild and Dotti Letsgo Dorando. In total, 58,941 milking daughters are now included in Silver’s index, from whom we find the most in the US, France, Italy, Great Britain, and the Netherlands (in that order). Silver himself is one of the ten highest sons of Mogul and descends from the VG-88 Snowman daughter Seagull-Bay Darling.

DUCKETT ESQUIRE HUNTER(US 04/2024) +2179lb -.04% +.01% +72lb +70lb

2988 gTPI +1.92 gPTAT +6.4 PL +0.3 DPR 2.73 SCS

Esquire (<Taos) x Parfect x Doc x Jedi x Massey x Man-O-Man x Goldwyn

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BullTalk - August 2024
BullTalk - June 2024