July 2024

Herd reports

Doorco Holsteins: ‘We Focus on Everything Necessary for a Long-Lasting, Profitable Cow.’

Seven times, Doorco Holsteins – located in northeastern Wisconsin – has been recognized as a “Herd of Excellence”. No less than 49x they received the “Progressive Breeders Registry”. In addition,...

July 2024

Cow Families

Cow Country I - July 2024

‘They are all problem-free free-stall cows that show very good legs. Particularly the very good feet with depth of heel that guarantees they wouldn’t get Mortellaro,’ says Martin Biederbick. He...

June 2024

Cow Families

Cow Country - June 2024

Initially, at Fairvue Farms (1500 milking cows) in the American state of Connecticut, only unregistered Holsteins were being milked. ‘Seven years ago we started implanting embryos from elite breeding programs...

May 2024

Herd reports

Conant-Acres: Consistently Among the Top Type Herds of the US

Each year the Holstein Association publishes a list of the top BAA herds in the US, the herds with the highest average age-adjusted type classification score. Conant-Acres has consistently ranked...

May 2024

Cow Families

Cow Country I - May 2024

Scrolling through social media is a phenomenon of our time, with countless contributions being ignored or unconsciously acknowledged, and then there are posts where one has the feeling to scroll...

Jersey International


Vote for your Jersey World Champion

Welcome to the exciting first selection of the Jersey World Champion. Twelve of the best Jersey cows from eleven countries are set to compete, spoiling you for choice. Enjoy a...

March 2024

Cow Families

Kings-Ransom Mogul Cleavage: A special calling card from Kings-Ransom Holsteins in the USA

The name Cleavage is known to everybody. She is the impressive Mogul daughter from the heart of the Roxy family. Cleavage herself is the 10th consecutive EX generation and she...

March 2024

Cow Families

Cow Country - March 2024

Jean-Baptiste Decheppe of Gaec du Tombuy at Gimecourt in the north-east of France has a cow with a special story. ‘Gourmande was not born on our farm. It was our...

January 2024

Cow Families

Cow Country II - January 2024

If you glance through the European gTPI rankings you’ll notice a prefix that frequently appears: Cristella. This name belongs to an Italian farm situated near the village of San Daniele...

December 2023

Herd reports

Longevity and Top Productions at Koepke: ‘Good people, good feed, good bedding & good genetics.’

Do you still remember her: Koepke 1660, a.k.a. “Granny”? Twenty years ago, in 2003, she gained legendary status when she broke the American milk record for lifetime production. A record...

September 2023

Herd reports

Two Holsteins Create a Remarkable Herd B-Long Holsteins: An Impressive Series of Twelve “Herd of Excellence” Titles

Year in, year out, the name appears in international Holstein news: B-Long Holsteins. No less than twelve “Herd of Excellence” titles have been awarded by Holstein USA to this farm...

August 2023

Herd reports

Ever-Green-View in Wisconsin: : Home of Multiple World Record Milk Cows

In the 1970s, Tom and Gin Kestell established the Ever-Green-View herd at Waldo in eastern Wisconsin, close to the shores of Lake Michigan. Today they manage the high performing 100-cow...