
July 2024

Sires Report

Focus on... July 2024

Those who select for the combination milk, udder, and longevity, cannot bypass America’s nr.1 bull Darth Vader, given +2458 lb milk, 258 lb fat+protein, 1.70 udder and 6.2 longevity. The...

July 2024


AI’s Recommend Their Own Favourites These Bulls Should Be Used More Often:

For decades already, sire selection primarily takes place via indexes. The number of bulls that are selected based on word of mouth reports, evaluating daughters, or in other ways, is...

June 2024

Misc Breeds

Synetics: Normande, Brown Swiss & Fleckvieh “in the picture”

‘Working internationally, Synetics comes into contact with strongly differing circumstances, and can offer breeds that are well-adapted,’ says Mariëlle Breheret, who indicates that Normande and Brown Swiss are good alternatives...

June 2024

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DNA - June 2024

Karl, a top-5 sire in the US, distinguishes himself with positive indexes for daughter fertility (+0.6 gDPR/+1.7 fertility index). ‘Dairymen want cows that produce a lot of high component milk...

March 2024

Sires Report

BullTalk - March 2024

One of the brand new AI companies in North America is Showbox Sires. For distribution, they work with Select Sires and Semex, and the first four sires to be presented...

December 2023

Sires Report

Focus on... December 2023

Good conformation continues to be an important item with sire selection for many farmers; preferably in combination with sufficient production and positive daughter fertility. Here are three credible options.

December 2023

Sires Report

Bulltalk - December 2023

With 159 gRZG, he is nr.4 on the German DNA list, but he has a fully American pedigree: Montague. A son of AltaZazzle son Progenesis Monteverdi (2960 gTPI) out of...

November 2023

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DNA - November 2023

Ranger-Red has been a sensation as a sire of sons; the first red bull to dominate black & white young sire lists. Pringle-Red is his most outstanding red son and...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

Synetics: Also Successful Programs for Jersey and Brown Swiss

Holsteins are the largest breed at the German-French AI giant Synetics, but the company is also specialized in various other breeds. Globally known is the Normande breed, about which DBI...

October 2023

Sires Report

Intriguing Sires DNA - October 2023

Nr.1 on the German genomic bull list is Real Syn at 171 gRZG. With that, Real Syn enjoys a long lead over the rest of the field with Nr.2 Rockwell...

October 2023

Herd reports

Boomaerts in France: ‘As much milk as possible from forages; so we need strong cows!’

In 1999, the couple Marco and Anita Boomaerts left the Netherlands for Aurseulles in Normandy, to begin their own dairy farm. They literally started there from square one. ‘We started...

September 2023

Sires Report

Cherry-Lily Luster-P: He Provided Polled with the Decisive Jump to the Top TPI with Lots of Conformation

Let’s be honest: five years ago, who would have expected that in 2023 the world would have a progeny proven polled sire who combines 2902 TPI with a faultless conformation...