Misc Breeds

November 2023

Misc Breeds

BVN: ‘Sensational Progress for Fleckvieh’

With its 75th anniversary, the German AI company BVN is enjoying a special year. ‘During that time, the Fleckvieh breed has made sensational gains,’ explains Andrea Hefner, responsible for the...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

Plenty of Brown Swiss Dynamics at New Generation Genetics

Next year, the American AI company New Generation Genetics (NGG) – specialized in Brown Swiss bulls – will celebrate its 30th anniversary. As such, it is a delight that CEO...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

World-Wide Sires and Select Sires: Jersey Sires Victorious and Starlord Remain Popular

Those who have carefully followed recent editions of Dairy Breeds International will likely immediately recognize this prefix: River-Valley, from the Sauder family in Illinois. After all, they created one of...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

Flying Start for New Organization Jersey International

Denmark is one of the prominent Jersey countries in the world and the export of Danish Jerseys has been lively for decades already. On that stage there is now an...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

KI Kampen: FH and MRIJ Breeds Very Suitable for Three-Way Crossbreeding

Of course, the Dutch AI company KI Kampen has now become known world-wide due to successful progeny proven sires like Koepon Random and Weinterper Solution. However, in addition to the...

November 2023

Misc Breeds

GGI - Spermex: ‘The figures on paper coincide with the field.‘

GGI: ‘This show was very well attended. In additon, we had many guests from abroad. After the show, a group of Latin Americans also went to farms and AI facilities...

July 2023

Misc Breeds

Jakarta: Good robustness

Looking for more strength? A bull that produces animals with nice width and good muscling while still producing sufficient milk? The James son Jakarta, owned by Alpengenetik, is a good...

July 2023

Misc Breeds

A French sire is the darling of AI studs The big analysis of breeding for AI

No sire has put more sons into AI service internationally in recent years than O’Malley: every twentieth AI sire from the birth year 2019 onwards, worldwide, is a son of...

July 2023

Misc Breeds

Intruiging Sires 2 DNA - July 2023

Poe is a bigtime production bull with somewhat different bloodlines transmitting moderate frame size and reduced stature. Bred by Brett Danyow of Ferrisburgh, VT, and Peak Genetics, he was purchased...

July 2023

Misc Breeds

Andreas and Bettina Kocher, Switzerland: Investment in good genetics pays off

Andreas and Bettina Kocher have put together a strong Brown Swiss herd over the last 14 years. The pedigrees of their cows are dotted with illustrious names like Gordon Patty...

July 2023

Herd reports

Andreas Hörmann, breeder of Canyon & Volker: Brown Swiss power with 66,000kg/145,200lb production at culling

If there are two daughter-proven sires in service from a farm and the dams of each still look good, it is really something special. Andreas and Maria Hörmann bred Canyon...

July 2023

Herd reports

Random-Luck Farm: A True Premier Breeder Herd

Breeding outstanding type animals that can consistently compete with the best in the show ring and bring home the Premier Breeder award takes a special talent. At Random-Luck Farm in...