
December 2023


STg General Manager Juan Moreno:‘Our Industry Made a Significant Mistake!’

For most dairy farms, sexed semen has become an indispensable instrument in management. A driving force behind the global rise of sexed semen is Sexing Technologies. But: ST did not...

December 2023


A successful start to lactation: decisive to production and fertility

The time around calving is always tied to a lot of stress and excitement. On hand, it means that there is new life coming to the farm, while on the...

November 2023


Unique news from Japan: Supersire daughter Currywebb pulverizes world record for milk!

Those who read Holstein International from cover to cover each month, likely know her name: Bell-Smart SS Currywebb VG-87. In October 2020, she appeared in Cow Country due to an...

November 2023


Abundant Quality at the Holstein and Red Holstein Shows: Shakira & Lilly-Red, Radiant Queens in Madison

Lynn Harbaugh and Phillip Topp, the judges of the Holsteins and Red Holsteins respectively, had plenty of splendid candidates from which to choose in each class – the WDE 2023...

November 2023


The Global Cow 2023 is… Siemers Lmda Paris

She was the clear choice of the voting public, polling an impressive 22.4% of the total vote. In addition, all three of our official judges placed her in their top-5,...

October 2023


Jennifer Wins Biggest UK Dairy Day Ever!

The biggest UK Dairy Day of all-time delivered one of the most impressive line-ups ever witnessed at a British National Show. Two cows that were in the top-3 last year...

October 2023


What Can We Learn From Other Breeds?

It’s so helpful to compare Holsteins to other breeds. What can we learn? There are a few values, that are easy to recognize in other breeds. Values which Holstein breeders...

October 2023


With longer laying time comes higher daily lifetime production

Consumers are consistently demanding better animal welfare. For farmers, this means bridging the gap between fulfilling these demands and the profitability of their operations. Within this, it is no secret...

October 2023


New traits, aligned definitions – The linear description and its increasing international comparability

The chief classifiers from 14 countries met for the first time 33 years ago to come to an agreement on how the conformation traits could be better compared between different...

October 2023


The Early Foundation Animals of the Holstein Breed

Which animals are at the foundation of the modern Holstein breed? The global AI company AI Total was eager to highlight a number of them. Together with Holstein International, a...

October 2023


Ingo Schnoor – The population standard keeps improving

Anyone who follows the large breeding programs in Europe should also be keeping track of Phönix, the breeding program founded jointly in 2021 by RUW, RBW, RA, Qnetics, RBB and...

September 2023


NoBull Sires: Offering Credible Bulls from Time-Tested Genetics

The idea of NoBull Sires started four years ago. Tired of not being able to find sires from the time-tested dams they wanted, Ben Masemore, Ethan Wentworth and Rusty Herr...