Herd reports

November 2023

Herd reports

Carpsdale in the US: Elite Level Type in both Red and Black Holsteins

Carpsdale has been a prominent name in New England Holsteins for decades. They have consistently been one of the top BAA herds in the north-east, and are regular exhibitors at...

November 2023

Herd reports

Nordera in Italy: Balance in Breeding and Management ‘Holstein Genetics Are Moving Faster than We Are.’

No, Luca Nordera does not strive for the highest possible genetic progress. For him, uniformity, productivity, health, and longevity are among his top priorities. Besides breeding, a prominent role is...

November 2023

Herd reports

Calderbrae in Australia: Having Data Means you can be More Pro-Active, More Precise and have Better Decision-Making

The state of Victoria is heartland to the Australian dairy industry, accounting for 65% of all milk produced nationally. It is here in the Western Districts region of the state...

October 2023

Herd reports

Boomaerts in France: ‘As much milk as possible from forages; so we need strong cows!’

In 1999, the couple Marco and Anita Boomaerts left the Netherlands for Aurseulles in Normandy, to begin their own dairy farm. They literally started there from square one. ‘We started...

October 2023

Herd reports

DeHo-Holsteins: An exquisite conformation source in Austria with international quality

The weather in the summer of 2023 in Austria showed many sides. A lot of rain and almost weekly storms made life difficult for farmers and their harvest. There were...

October 2023

Herd reports

Tony van Lith (Valiant Dairy Genetics): ‘I See Breeding as an Art Form.’

Showtime-RC, Rolex, Migos, Legit, Lizzo, Lazer-PP-Red, Allure-PP, Mombassa-PP-Red, Muffin-P-RC, Fallegro-PP-Red. During the past three years, ten sires with the Valiant prefix found their way to the barns of ABS, Semex,...

September 2023

Herd reports

Two Holsteins Create a Remarkable Herd B-Long Holsteins: An Impressive Series of Twelve “Herd of Excellence” Titles

Year in, year out, the name appears in international Holstein news: B-Long Holsteins. No less than twelve “Herd of Excellence” titles have been awarded by Holstein USA to this farm...

September 2023

Herd reports

Spectacular Developments in the German Lösing Herd: More than 50% Production Increase in Five Years!

At the beginning of 2018, Bernd Lösing’s Holsteins in the German Vreden produced 30.4 kg/67.0 lb per day and 10,200 kg/22,490 lb annually: A nice average, above the national average....

September 2023

Herd reports

Ulmar in Canada: From Humble Beginnings to an Award-Winning Farming Operation

In 1991, Hans and Marlise Pfister, along with their 3 young children, left Switzerland and moved to Canada, purchasing a farm near the town of Mitchell in western Ontario, about...

August 2023

Herd reports

After Two Tragic Barn Fires: Finally Hope Emerges Again for the Perreault Family

It is the terror of many dairy farmers: barn fire. The tremendous damage and the loss of valuable, appreciated animals makes it a true drama. In the Canadian province of...

August 2023

Herd reports

Huddlestone Farm ‘Minimally One Standard Deviation Between Stature and Chest Width.’

‘Many people look at the linear profile of sires for individual traits, while it is actually about the balance between traits....’ Keith Gue enjoys talking openly about current breeding themes...

August 2023

Herd reports

Ever-Green-View in Wisconsin: : Home of Multiple World Record Milk Cows

In the 1970s, Tom and Gin Kestell established the Ever-Green-View herd at Waldo in eastern Wisconsin, close to the shores of Lake Michigan. Today they manage the high performing 100-cow...