
November 2023

Misc Breeds

A Rush for Red for the Dutch Belted Breed

Dairy cattle enthusiasts around the globe will be familiar with the Dutch Belted breed, a rare breed with a very attractive appearance - a black cow with a white belt...

June 2023

Legend Dairy

Legend Dairy: Now Already Four Generations of EX Dutch-Belted Cows in a Row!

In California, a tour de force has been accomplished. An authentic tour de force, on the initiative of Ron Pietersma. At his Legend Dairy Farms in the Californian Chino, one...

November 2022

Legend Dairy Farms

Dutch-Belted: The breed with the fastest growing fan club in the world?

It is not the first time that we report on Lakenvelder cattle in a DBI issue. And the breed, which most dairy farmers know as Dutch Belted, is going through...