
August 2019

Sires Report

Bull Talk - August 2019

We already wrote about it: Salvatore continues to be a high calibre sire of sons and is still delivering remarkable sons. New in his top-5 of the very best sons...

July 2019

Sires Report

Bull Talk - July 2019

Salvatore dominates for the red & white sire of sons, but in his wake we find Endco Apprentice RC, a Kingboy son of Blondin-TJR Supersire Aroma VG-85. Apprentice is not...

June 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - June 2019

He is the very highest NTM transmitter of Scandinavia and is available both domestically and abroad: Growny with +41 NTM. ‘Certainly a very interesting bull: high indexing and with an...

May 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - May 2019

What a perfectly chosen name! His DNA index of 2010 (2098 gTPI) is virtually exactly the same as his progeny proven index today: 2060 TPI. And now based on 16,698...

April 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - April 2019

He is the highest available type transmitter of France: no less than +4.7! Plus… in the area of fitness, he is nearly faultless. Add to that his slightly positive figures...

March 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - March 2019

‘When you put too much focus on the top lists, quite a number of valuable bulls end up being missed.’ HI wrote this in August 2015 and used Richmond-FD Bombero...

February 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - February 2019

We gave you a tip about him earlier already, the successful sire of sons for Red Holsteins: Mr Salvatore. In Canada, Germany and the US, we find numerous attractive sons....

January 2019

Sires Report

BullTalk - January 2019

He is now more than 6 years old but continues to work hard. ‘He is still the most sold bull at Select,’ says Jeff Ziegler from owner Select Sires. ‘Bacon-Hill...

December 2018

Sires Report

BullTalk - December 2018

Those who thought that genomics would eliminate them… are mistaken! They still exist, the tenacious super-millionaires. In October, we reported that the 15-year-old Planet passed the milestone of 1.5 million...

November 2018

Sires Report

BullTalk - November 2018

He is one of the top-5 highest gTPI Red Holstein bulls and is widely available: Rhala-Re Blues-Red. Good for 2664 gTPI, owned by AI Total, a son of Salvatore (see...

October 2018

Sires Report

BullTalk - October 2018

Two years ago, his debut created quite the stir. Westcoast Styx-Red broke through with strong DNA total indexes in various countries; in his homeland of Canada, he was nr.1. That...

September 2018

Sires Report

BullTalk - september 2018

As a young DNA bull, Weigeline Tabasco expressly remained off the gTPI radar. With an average of 2515 gTPI, he did not stand out in 2014 and 2015; at the...