Neuseelands Mark Townshend: Jerseys sind leistungsstärker als Holsteins

The Townshend family registered their first Jesey heifer in New Zealand in 1916. Over the past 50 years, their Crescent (Jersey) and Hauraki (Jersey-Holstein crossbred) herds have sent 480 bulls to AI. A dozen Crescent bulls have gone on to be major impact sires in the breed, each with daughters in over 1,000 New Zealand herds. The Townshend’s operate 5 elite Jersey herds in New Zealand (3,000 cows)and 2 crossbred genetic herds (800 cows), while also having commercial interests in another 33 commercial farms (22,000 cows). In 1998, Mark and Diane Townshend were the inaugural winners of the national AC Cameron Excellence in Farming award.

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